Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The world of fandom has never been something I have considered studying in my free time, and never expected to study in an academic setting. Yet, I am intrigued at the topic chosen for this semester's Intermediate Composition class; FANDOM.

The word elicits images of screaming, hysterical fans smashed together by the thousands, hoping to get a glimpse of their favorite celebrity.

Something along the lines of this. . .

Or this. . . .

Definitely this.

So I wonder, what drives these girls to act like this? What fantastical realities have they dreamed up in their adolescent minds that make them cry real, hysterical tears at the mere thought of being close to the object of their affection?

Often times these fans are referred to en mass by the celebrities they adore, who use phrases like, "I want to thank ALL of my fans", or "I love you guys." It's as if the fans themselves have no individual personalities and are simply thought of as one large, collective group. So why wouldn't each individual fan realize the immense, ridiculous scale of this unrequited love?

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