Thursday, February 20, 2014

Generic Fans

This week in another one of my classes we were asked to stand up at the front of the room and give a short presentation on a book, movie, or television show that inspires us. Now, before I say this, I feel as if I need to mention that I, like everyone else, enjoy some trash t.v. here and there. I think it's a great form of escapist entertainment and I can see how one might get hooked on it. ESPECIALLY with shows like My Strange Addiction and, dare I say it, The Real Housewives of New York (guilty and ashamed face). 


When you get up in front of a classroom and actually try to tell me that the show Keeping Up with the Kardashians inspires you, INSPIRES you. . .IMMEDIATE fucking palm to face. 

Being a fan of this. . .

Or this. . .

Is understandable because, as I mentioned before, it is entertaining. 
But are you really, REALLY trying to tell me that this inspires you??

What's the deeper issue here? 

The issue is that, unfortunately, a lot of college-aged girls (I'm looking at you, Ugg Boots, black yoga pants, North Face, Vera Bradley girl) are not taking the time to actually explore the rich and vast cornacopia of literature, television, film, music, and aparrently fashion that is floating around the world today. What they are doing is falling into a dangerous mass-media fandom cycle where someone else determines what they are going to be a fan of. All of their friends watch these shows, these are the shows they talk about and therefore many of these fans probably believe that this is just what everyone watches and what everyone likes. People that are not on the bandwagon of fan clones are called hippies, goths, hipsters, etc. because they simply are stepping out of "the norm." 

 Bottom line
Say that the Kardashians inspire you. 

Because if you do, you are absolutely SHITTING on all the real, intelligent, beautiful artists out there that have created actual things to be inspired by. Do not simply settle on saying something that's been spoon-fed to you inspires you. You only say that because you've got nothing real and tangible that actually inspires the unique and diverse being that is YOU

So get out there and actually get inspired! 

1 comment:

  1. Someone actually said that they were inspired by that shit? Wow, and I thought ponyfags were pathetic. If this show were "inspiring" at all, it would inspire me on what not to be. And you're right, to say that it inspires you is, to me, a massive bitch slap to those who have worked really hard on something that actually should be inspiring.
